1:55 pm GMT
GeSHi News
Here's where you can find out all the latest news about GeSHi - new releases, bug
fixes and general errata.
A few small bugs have been found in the 1.0.0 release of GeSHi, which are to be fixed in GeSHi 1.0.1, due to be released tomorrow or Saturday GMT+12. This update will ensure the XHTML compliance of GeSHi, as well as cut the outputted source by around 10% on average.
In other news, "Tux" has created two new language files for GeSHi - Pascal and ASM - that will be available with the new GeSHi release. A big thanks to Tux! Anyone else who would like to see a language supported or would like their name associated with this project can make a language file and send it to me at any time - consult the GeSHi documentation for information on contacting me.