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Project Status
The latest stable version of GeSHi is, released on the 19th of Aug, 2012.

Supported Languages:
*Apache Log
*APT sources.list
*ASM (m68k)
*ASM (pic16)
*ASM (x86)
*ASM (z80)
*Backus-Naur form
*C for Macs
*C++ (with QT)
*Diff File Format
*DOT language
*FourJ's Genero
*INI (Config Files)
*Java 5
*KLone C & C++
*Objective C
*OpenOffice BASIC
*Oracle 8 & 11 SQL
*Pixel Bender
*Progress (OpenEdge ABL)
*Ruby on Rails
*Uno IDL
*VIM Script
*Visual BASIC
*Visual Fox Pro
*Visual Prolog
*Windows Registry Files

GeSHi is the current stable release, with eighteen new languages and bug fixes over the last release.

GeSHi 1.1.2alpha5 is the current latest version from the development branch, with full C support (see the GeSHi development website).
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GeSHi News

Here's where you can find out all the latest news about GeSHi - new releases, bug fixes and general errata.

GeSHi Released
After just 14 days after the proposed release date comes this new version of GeSHi. There's plenty of bug fixes and nine new language files in this release. Also this release had a strong focus on performance and quite a load of other features added, improved or otherwise revised. One of the biggest changes you will notice is the changed color scheme for this release. I hope you like it; it's at least by far more readable - and other language files that use the old defaults are soon to follow.

I bet I still missed some patches that you guys have sent in :). Please send again if you think I missed any!

This version should fix some problem with the Symbol highlighting added in the last release - thank you guys for the patience and all the help with figuring the exact cause and possible workarounds out.

Lately there has been an issue with especially old PHP versions like 4.3.X - if you are using such an old version please consider upgrading PHP or if this is not possible check the bugtracker on updates on open issues and I'm sure you'll get information on patches affecting you in time.

Download from the usual place, bug reports to the tracker please etc. etc...

GeSHi moved to another Server
After about one week of waiting for international authorities the GeSHi website finally has moved to another server! As this server seems to have some less power than the old one I'd like to ask you to be patient - all your requests will be served (I hope).

As I somehow have to manage keeping the software on the server up-to-date there will be regular downtimes of a few minutes - primarily after midnight local time (CET).

The server now allows for 64 MB RAM being used for highlighting with maximum input of 2 MB. Execution time is up to 5 minutes, so everyone should get its code - even if it's somewhat bigger. Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention: (as well as are using PHP5 instead of PHP4 which the old server used. This change has made (and probably will continue to make a bit of trouble. Also this means that as PHP differs a bit between versions 4 and 5 your result might look a bit different than on the server - there have a least two such reports lately, that both will be addressed soon.

If you experience problems, feel free to tell me about them. If the server is too slow, just feel free to use the Donate Button at the left and I'm sure, I can do something about it ;-)

So long,
GeSHi Released
Very loooong overdue, but is out. There's plenty of bug fixes and one new language file in this release, and I bet I still missed some patches that you guys have sent in :). Please send again if you think I missed any!

Also this version adds some new feature - Symbol Highlighting - which superseeds and somewhat replaces Bracket Highlighting, I already know of one issue I couldn't fix before the release. Please check the bugtracker on updates on open issues and I'm sure you'll get the patch for that one in time.

Download from the usual place, bug reports to the tracker please etc. etc...
GeSHi got a new Owner
After a long time of inactivity Nigel handed over GeSHi to Benny Baumann in the hope that the developement of GeSHi 1.0.X and GeSHi 1.1.X (which will someday hopefully become 1.2.X) being continued.

And work will continue! The next steps will be stabilizing some features added in GeSHi 1.0.X lately and adding more languages. After this developement will focus on the developement branch, reimplementing the old-style API, although with a somewhat changed behaviour as the branch and developement versions differ in some points which have to be accounted for.

As always your help is really appreciated and I'm looking forward to all the patches you send in.
GeSHi Released
Loooong overdue, but is out. There's plenty of bug fixes and six new language files in this release, and I bet I still missed some patches that you guys have sent in :). Please send again if you think I missed any!

I'm away for a week now (skiing, though the weather looks crap), while I'm away I may have a crack at making a new GeSHi website, which should speed up the site a lot for one thing.

Download from the usual place, bug reports to the tracker please etc. etc...
Server Outage
As some of you may have seen, an old forum on got spammed to death, causing the entire site to be taken offline. Up again now, I hope it's all working. I hope to get something new up at at some point. But first, the release, which is due any time now.
GeSHi Released
A bit overdue, but the latest stable release of GeSHi is out. This release adds a couple of new languages, X++ and Rails, and fixes a few bugs in other languages. Ruby support is improved also.

The next month's release will not be done, as I will be overseas at the time, however releases will continue after that as normal. My apologies to anyone who was depending on the monthly release coming out last weekend, unfortunately I was overwhelmed with other things.
GeSHi Released
A new monthly maintenance release for GeSHi is out. It contains one new language (z80 ASM), and a few bug fixes, but the most notable new feature is the addition of a method to disable keyword linking ($geshi->enable_keyword_links(false)). Thanks to Ian McKellar for that!

There's been a little bit of work on 1.1.X series, mostly cleanup in preparation for a 1.1.2 release. There's not much left to do before this, though as usual it's about finding time...

One last thing: I fixed up the demo form to support multibyte characters properly (to show that GeSHi can do it too!) Try japanese/chinese characters on it to see what happens :).
GeSHi Released
A new monthly release of GeSHi 1.0.X is available. This release contains a few minor bug fixes over the last release.

1.1.X development still progresses at its slow pace. Knut Wikstrom has been working on C# support, and hopefully a 1.1.2 will be released soon.

The other things I did this month is clean up all the old bug reports at sourceforge, and merge the stable branch back to trunk, which hopefully means that more adventurous new features could be committed to it.
GeSHi Update
Hi all,

There won't be a maintenance release this month. It's too close to Christmas, and I don't have enough changes to warrant a release.

Hopefully over this time I can get some development going again on the 1.1.X branch.

Regardless of that, have a happy Christmas!