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Project Status
The latest stable version of GeSHi is, released on the 19th of Aug, 2012.

Supported Languages:
*Apache Log
*APT sources.list
*ASM (m68k)
*ASM (pic16)
*ASM (x86)
*ASM (z80)
*Backus-Naur form
*C for Macs
*C++ (with QT)
*Diff File Format
*DOT language
*FourJ's Genero
*INI (Config Files)
*Java 5
*KLone C & C++
*Objective C
*OpenOffice BASIC
*Oracle 8 & 11 SQL
*Pixel Bender
*Progress (OpenEdge ABL)
*Ruby on Rails
*Uno IDL
*VIM Script
*Visual BASIC
*Visual Fox Pro
*Visual Prolog
*Windows Registry Files

GeSHi is the current stable release, with eighteen new languages and bug fixes over the last release.

GeSHi 1.1.2alpha5 is the current latest version from the development branch, with full C support (see the GeSHi development website).
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1:39 pm GMT

GeSHi News

Here's where you can find out all the latest news about GeSHi - new releases, bug fixes and general errata.

An old bug dies ...
This might be surprising for you guys, but it isn't ;-) So, what happened?

Many of you might have noticed at some point, that GeSHi sometimes had problems with code like

echo "?>"; //This is still inside PHP

as described in a bugreport opened on 19th Oct 2005. The reason for this issue and also the reason it took so long to fix it was the way GeSHi determined where PHP-code (and other stuff for other languages like HTML, CFM) was. This has been changed today by a patch and thus an extension to the parser now supporting an somewhat more elaborate way of finding PHP-Blocks. The old way was simply to look for the start end end of such blocks by simple means like strpos. This works for simple cases like when the ender may not appear inside such an block itself, but breaks as soon as this prerequisite is not given - which it isnn't for CFM and PHP.

So the solution was simple: Allow the language file to describe a way to identify how such a block has to look like. This is done with regular expressions in the case of PHP and if you look at the most recent trunk version of the PHP language file you might notice some weird looking string in the place where according to the old documentation an array should have been. Well, that it is: The Strict Block RegExp! - Our new feature that already fixed an problem with the PHP language file, but will be reused to fix some more simular issues we already know about with other language files.

Therefore we might remind you of the Code Repo I posted about previously, since we only can fix issues we know about and can reproduce ourselves.

But Strict Block Regexps isn't the only new feature you'll note in the upcoming release. If you're curoius feel free to test out the Trunk SVersion of GeSHi or have a look at the Changelog we constantly update inside the SVN.

Farewell SF#1330968, that grew 1009 days, 14 hours and 27 minutes old! We'll miss you!
