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Project Status
The latest stable version of GeSHi is, released on the 19th of Aug, 2012.

Supported Languages:
*Apache Log
*APT sources.list
*ASM (m68k)
*ASM (pic16)
*ASM (x86)
*ASM (z80)
*Backus-Naur form
*C for Macs
*C++ (with QT)
*Diff File Format
*DOT language
*FourJ's Genero
*INI (Config Files)
*Java 5
*KLone C & C++
*Objective C
*OpenOffice BASIC
*Oracle 8 & 11 SQL
*Pixel Bender
*Progress (OpenEdge ABL)
*Ruby on Rails
*Uno IDL
*VIM Script
*Visual BASIC
*Visual Fox Pro
*Visual Prolog
*Windows Registry Files

GeSHi is the current stable release, with eighteen new languages and bug fixes over the last release.

GeSHi 1.1.2alpha5 is the current latest version from the development branch, with full C support (see the GeSHi development website).
Mailing Lists
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GeSHi News

Here's where you can find out all the latest news about GeSHi - new releases, bug fixes and general errata.

GCC: GeSHi Contribution Contest
Hi folks!

We recently asked all of you for some code for our Code Repository which we mainly use to verify language files to work properly, but which we also use to work on some additional functions that might come in handy for GeSHi.

There has been some input already, but far too little for some of the projects we are working onn. This Code Repository is open for everyone and free to use in own contributions for GeSHi.

So if you like to have your name included in the THANKS file there's one easy way: write a small script, that uses GeSHi (and optionally the CodeRepo) to achieve a new function that other users of GeSHi might find helpful in their daily work, for their applications or which shows what's all possible with current versions of GeSHi.

The rule for this contest are - just as using GeSHi - very simple:
  • Submissions must be at BenBE (AT) geshi _DOT_ org by December 1st 00:00 UTC
  • Submissions must be released under GPLv2 or GPLv3
  • Submissions should be well documented and easy to understand (usage and code).
  • The code should be secure against CSRF, XSS, SQL-Injections and other common forms of Web Attacks
  • No other libraries (except GeSHi) should be used.
  • It should be innovative ;-) So please not Yet Another Pastebin ;-)

Depending on the number of submissions we will announce up to three winners. The winning submissions will be publically announced here and included in the release and all following.

I hope for some interesting submission which show various interesting tasks, GeSHi could be used for, or functions that would come in handy for upcoming GeSHi releases.
