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Project Status
The latest stable version of GeSHi is, released on the 19th of Aug, 2012.

Supported Languages:
*Apache Log
*APT sources.list
*ASM (m68k)
*ASM (pic16)
*ASM (x86)
*ASM (z80)
*Backus-Naur form
*C for Macs
*C++ (with QT)
*Diff File Format
*DOT language
*FourJ's Genero
*INI (Config Files)
*Java 5
*KLone C & C++
*Objective C
*OpenOffice BASIC
*Oracle 8 & 11 SQL
*Pixel Bender
*Progress (OpenEdge ABL)
*Ruby on Rails
*Uno IDL
*VIM Script
*Visual BASIC
*Visual Fox Pro
*Visual Prolog
*Windows Registry Files

GeSHi is the current stable release, with eighteen new languages and bug fixes over the last release.

GeSHi 1.1.2alpha5 is the current latest version from the development branch, with full C support (see the GeSHi development website).
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7:07 pm GMT

GeSHi News

Here's where you can find out all the latest news about GeSHi - new releases, bug fixes and general errata.

First Release Candidate available
I've just updated the Release Branch of the GeSHi SVN to contain the latest version of what could become the next GeSHi release. Well, not quite, as there will still be some changes to the code, but the current release candidate should give you a short introduction to what you can expect of the next release.

The version in the Release Branch (namely contains mainly fixes over the 1.0.8 release and improvements to existing language files. So we fixed some problems with Symbol Highlighting (i.e. ; and | were ignored even if a language asked to highlight them).

Also we accidentially introduced an issue with line numbering where calls to start_line_numbers_at() got ignored with GESHI_HEADER_PRE_TABLE headers. Though the main problem, i.e. styling issues, could not be resolved yet. If you have a solution to them, contact us at the usual places.

But no new GeSHi release without new features ;-) The next version will allow you to highligh arbitrary stuff inside strings. What's new about this is not that you now can highlight escapes (which you already could quite a while) but you can e.g. highlight format string escapes or variable names inside PHP strings, OR correctly render Octal numbers ... There are thousands of possibilities and we only implemented a few common ones yet. To try this feature just feed some PHP source with lots of strings to the demo on this page and you'll see it ;-)

As mentioned a few weeks ago the next version will contain a fix to an issue where Remote Code Inclusion could have been possible. To avoid this, no colons are allowed in Language File Paths (except on Windows at the second char in the path). If you encounter any issues with this behaviour, fell free to get in contact so we can resolve this issue.

This release candidate doesn't yet contain updated documentation, but this will follow with the next RC. In the meantime feel free, to play around with this Release Candidate - it's installed on the server for you to test!
