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Examples » Ada
  1. --
  2. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  3. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  4. --
  6. with Occupants;
  7. use Occupants;
  9. package Creatures is
  10. type Creature is abstract new Occupant with private;
  11. type Creature_Access is access Creature'Class;
  12. private
  13. type Creature is abstract new Occupant with null record;
  14. end Creatures;
  16. --
  17. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  18. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  19. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  20. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  21. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  22. --
  23. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  24. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  25. -- or implied warranty.
  26. --
  27. --
  28. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  29. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  30. --
  32. with Ada.Characters.Handling;
  33. use Ada.Characters.Handling;
  35. package body Directions is
  37. Abbreviations : constant String := "nsewud";
  39. procedure To_Direction(Text : in Unbounded_String;
  40. Is_Direction : out Boolean;
  41. Dir : out Direction) is
  42. Lower_Text : String := To_Lower(To_String(Text));
  43. -- Attempt to turn "Text" into a direction.
  44. -- If successful, set "Is_Direction" True and "Dir" to the value.
  45. -- If not successful, set "Is_Direction" False and "Dir" to arbitrary value.
  46. begin
  47. if Length(Text) = 1 then
  48. -- Check if it's a one-letter abbreviation.
  49. for D in Direction'Range loop
  50. if Lower_Text(1) = Abbreviations(Direction'Pos(D) + 1) then
  51. Is_Direction := True;
  52. Dir := D;
  53. return;
  54. end if;
  55. end loop;
  56. Is_Direction := False;
  57. Dir := North;
  58. return;
  60. else
  61. -- Not a one-letter abbreviation, try a full name.
  62. for D in Direction'Range loop
  63. if Lower_Text = To_Lower(Direction'Image(D)) then
  64. Is_Direction := True;
  65. Dir := D;
  66. return;
  67. end if;
  68. end loop;
  69. Is_Direction := False;
  70. Dir := North;
  71. return;
  72. end if;
  73. end To_Direction;
  75. function To_Direction(Text : in Unbounded_String) return Direction is
  76. Is_Direction : Boolean;
  77. Dir : Direction;
  78. begin
  79. To_Direction(Text, Is_Direction, Dir);
  80. if Is_Direction then
  81. return Dir;
  82. else
  83. raise Constraint_Error;
  84. end if;
  85. end To_Direction;
  87. function Is_Direction(Text : in Unbounded_String) return Boolean is
  88. Is_Direction : Boolean;
  89. Dir : Direction;
  90. begin
  91. To_Direction(Text, Is_Direction, Dir);
  92. return Is_Direction;
  93. end Is_Direction;
  95. end Directions;
  97. --
  98. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  99. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  100. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  101. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  102. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  103. --
  104. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  105. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  106. -- or implied warranty.
  107. --
  108. --
  109. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  110. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  111. --
  113. with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
  114. use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
  116. package Directions is
  118. type Direction is (North, South, East, West, Up, Down);
  120. Reverse_Direction : constant array(Direction) of Direction :=
  121. (North => South, South => North,
  122. East =>West, West => East,
  123. Up => Down, Down => Up);
  125. function To_Direction(Text : Unbounded_String) return Direction;
  126. -- Converts Text to Direction; raises Constraint_Error if it's not
  127. -- a legal direction.
  129. function Is_Direction(Text : Unbounded_String) return Boolean;
  130. -- Returns TRUE if Text is a direction, else false.
  132. end Directions;
  134. --
  135. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  136. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  137. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  138. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  139. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  140. --
  141. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  142. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  143. -- or implied warranty.
  144. --
  145. --
  146. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  147. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  148. --
  150. package body Items is
  152. function May_I_Get(Direct_Object : access Item;
  153. Agent : access Occupant'Class) return Boolean is
  154. begin
  155. return True;
  156. end May_I_Get;
  158. end Items;
  160. --
  161. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  162. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  163. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  164. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  165. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  166. --
  167. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  168. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  169. -- or implied warranty.
  170. --
  171. --
  172. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  173. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  174. --
  176. with Occupants;
  177. use Occupants;
  179. package Items is
  180. type Item is new Occupant with private;
  181. type Item_Access is access Item'Class;
  182. function May_I_Get(Direct_Object : access Item;
  183. Agent : access Occupant'Class) return Boolean;
  185. private
  186. type Item is new Occupant with null record;
  188. end Items;
  190. --
  191. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  192. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  193. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  194. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  195. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  196. --
  197. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  198. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  199. -- or implied warranty.
  200. --
  201. --
  202. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  203. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  204. --
  206. with Creatures;
  207. use Creatures;
  209. package Monsters is
  210. type Monster is new Creature with private;
  211. type Monster_Access is access Monster'Class;
  212. private
  213. type Monster is new Creature with null record;
  214. end Monsters;
  216. --
  217. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  218. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  219. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  220. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  221. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  222. --
  223. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  224. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  225. -- or implied warranty.
  226. --
  227. --
  228. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  229. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  230. --
  232. with Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ustrings, Rooms;
  233. use Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ustrings, Rooms;
  235. package body Occupants is
  238. procedure Put_View(T : access Occupant; Agent : access Thing'Class) is
  239. begin
  240. Put("You are inside ");
  241. Put_Line(Short_Description(T));
  242. Put_Line(".");
  243. Put_Contents(T, Agent, "You see:");
  244. end Put_View;
  246. procedure Look(T : access Occupant) is
  247. -- T is running a "look" command; tell T what he views.
  248. begin
  249. if Container(T) = null then
  250. Put("You are inside nothing at all.");
  251. else
  252. Put_View(Container(T), T);
  253. end if;
  254. end Look;
  257. procedure Get(Agent : access Occupant; Direct_Object : access Occupant'Class)
  258. is
  259. begin
  260. if May_I_Get(Direct_Object, Agent) then
  261. Place(T => Direct_Object, Into => Thing_Access(Agent));
  262. end if;
  263. end Get;
  265. function May_I_Get(Direct_Object : access Occupant;
  266. Agent : access Occupant'Class)
  267. return Boolean is
  268. begin
  269. Sorry("get", Name(Direct_Object)); -- Tell the getter sorry, can't get it
  270. return False;
  271. end May_I_Get;
  273. procedure Drop(Agent : access Occupant;
  274. Direct_Object : access Occupant'Class) is
  275. begin
  276. if May_I_Drop(Direct_Object, Agent) then
  277. Place(T => Direct_Object, Into => Container(Agent));
  278. end if;
  279. end Drop;
  281. function May_I_Drop(Direct_Object : access Occupant;
  282. Agent : access Occupant'Class)
  283. return Boolean is
  284. begin
  285. return True;
  286. end May_I_Drop;
  289. procedure Inventory(Agent : access Occupant) is
  290. begin
  291. Put_Contents(Agent, Agent,
  292. "You're carrying:",
  293. "You aren't carrying anything.");
  294. end Inventory;
  296. procedure Go(Agent : access Occupant; Dir : in Direction) is
  297. begin
  298. if Container(Agent) = null then
  299. Put_Line("Sorry, you're not in a room!");
  300. else
  301. declare
  302. Destination : Thing_Access := What_Is(Container(Agent), Dir);
  303. begin
  304. if Destination = null then
  305. Put_Line("Sorry, you can't go that way.");
  306. else
  307. Place(Agent, Destination);
  308. end if;
  309. end;
  310. end if;
  311. end Go;
  313. end Occupants;
  315. --
  316. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  317. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  318. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  319. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  320. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  321. --
  322. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  323. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  324. -- or implied warranty.
  325. --
  326. --
  327. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  328. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  329. --
  331. with Things, Directions;
  332. use Things, Directions;
  334. package Occupants is
  336. -- An "Occupant" is a Thing that can be inside a Room or another Occupant.
  338. type Occupant is abstract new Thing with private;
  339. type Occupant_Access is access all Occupant'Class;
  341. -- Dispatching subprograms:
  343. procedure Look(T : access Occupant); -- Ask Occupant T to "look".
  345. procedure Get(Agent : access Occupant; Direct_Object : access Occupant'Class);
  346. -- Ask Agent to get Direct_Object. This assumes that Agent can
  347. -- somehow access Direct_Object (i.e. is in the same room).
  348. -- If the agent decides that it can get the object, it will
  349. -- call May_I_Get to ask the object if that's okay.
  351. procedure Drop(Agent : access Occupant; Direct_Object : access Occupant'Class);
  352. -- Ask Agent to drop Direct_Object.
  354. procedure Inventory(Agent : access Occupant);
  355. -- Ask Agent to print a list of what Agent is carrying.
  357. procedure Go(Agent : access Occupant; Dir : in Direction);
  358. -- Ask Agent to go the given Direction Dir (North, South, etc.)
  360. procedure Put_View(T : access Occupant; Agent : access Thing'Class);
  361. -- Override Thing's Put_View.
  363. function May_I_Get(Direct_Object : access Occupant;
  364. Agent : access Occupant'Class) return Boolean;
  365. -- Ask Direct_Object if "Agent" can get this object.
  366. -- Returns True if it's okay, else False.
  367. -- If the object does something while being gotten (or an attempt
  368. -- to do so) it does it in this call.
  370. function May_I_Drop(Direct_Object : access Occupant;
  371. Agent : access Occupant'Class) return Boolean;
  372. -- Ask Direct_Object if "Agent" can drop this object;
  373. -- returns True if it's okay.
  375. private
  377. type Occupant is abstract new Thing with
  378. record
  379. null; -- Nothing here for now.
  380. end record;
  382. end Occupants;
  384. --
  385. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  386. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  387. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  388. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  389. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  390. --
  391. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  392. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  393. -- or implied warranty.
  394. --
  395. --
  396. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  397. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  398. --
  400. with Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants, Ustrings, Things, Occupants, World;
  401. use Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants, Ustrings, Things, Occupants, World;
  402. use Ada.Strings, Ada.Strings.Maps;
  404. with Directions;
  405. use Directions;
  407. package body Parser is
  409. Spaces : constant Character_Set := To_Set(' ');
  411. procedure Split(Source : in Unbounded_String;
  412. First_Word : out Unbounded_String;
  413. Rest : out Unbounded_String) is
  414. First : Positive; -- Index values of first word.
  415. Last : Natural;
  416. -- Puts first word of Source into First_Word, the rest of the words in Rest
  417. -- (without leading spaces); words are separated by one or more spaces;
  418. -- if there are no spaces, Rest returns empty.
  419. begin
  420. Find_Token(Source, Spaces, Outside, First, Last);
  421. First_Word := U(Slice(Source, First, Last));
  422. Rest := Trim(U(Slice(Source, Last + 1, Length(Source))), Left);
  423. end Split;
  427. procedure Execute(Command : in Unbounded_String; Quit : out Boolean) is
  428. Trimmed_Command : Unbounded_String := Trim(Command, Both);
  429. Verb, Arguments, First_Argument, Rest_Of_Arguments : Unbounded_String;
  430. Direct_Object : Occupant_Access;
  431. begin
  432. Quit := False; -- By default assume we won't quit.
  433. if (Empty(Trimmed_Command)) then
  434. return; -- Ignore blank lines.
  435. end if;
  437. -- Extract Verb and First_Argument and force them to lower case.
  438. Split(Trimmed_Command, Verb, Arguments);
  439. Translate(Verb, Lower_Case_Map);
  440. Split(Arguments, First_Argument, Rest_Of_Arguments);
  441. Translate(First_Argument, Lower_Case_Map);
  444. -- Try to execute "Verb".
  446. if Verb = "look" then
  447. Look(Me);
  448. elsif Verb = "get" then
  449. Direct_Object := Occupant_Access(Find(Me, First_Argument));
  450. if Direct_Object /= null then
  451. Get(Me, Direct_Object);
  452. end if;
  453. elsif Verb = "drop" then
  454. Direct_Object := Occupant_Access(Find_Inside(Me, First_Argument));
  455. if Direct_Object /= null then
  456. Drop(Me, Direct_Object);
  457. end if;
  458. elsif Verb = "inventory" or Verb = "inv" then
  459. Inventory(Me);
  460. elsif Verb = "quit" then
  461. Quit := True;
  462. elsif Verb = "go" and then Is_Direction(First_Argument) then
  463. Go(Me, To_Direction(First_Argument));
  464. Look(Me);
  465. elsif Is_Direction(Verb) then -- Is the verb a direction (north, etc)?
  466. Go(Me, To_Direction(Verb));
  467. Look(Me);
  468. elsif Verb = "help" then
  469. Put_Line("Please type in one or two word commands, beginning with a verb");
  470. Put_Line("or direction. Directions are north, south, east, west, etc.");
  471. Put_Line("Here are some sample commands:");
  472. Put_Line("look, get box, drop box, inventory, go west, west, w, quit.");
  473. else
  474. Put_Line("Sorry, I don't recognize that verb. Try 'help'.");
  475. end if;
  477. end Execute;
  478. end Parser;
  480. --
  481. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  482. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  483. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  484. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  485. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  486. --
  487. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  488. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  489. -- or implied warranty.
  490. --
  491. --
  492. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  493. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  494. --
  496. with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
  497. use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
  499. package Parser is
  500. procedure Execute(Command : in Unbounded_String; Quit : out Boolean);
  501. -- Executes the given command.
  502. -- Sets Quit to False if the user may run additional commands.
  503. end Parser;
  505. --
  506. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  507. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  508. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  509. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  510. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  511. --
  512. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  513. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  514. -- or implied warranty.
  515. --
  516. --
  517. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  518. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  519. --
  521. with Creatures;
  522. use Creatures;
  524. package Players is
  525. type Player is new Creature with private;
  526. type Player_Access is access Player'Class;
  527. private
  528. type Player is new Creature with null record;
  529. end Players;
  531. --
  532. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  533. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  534. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  535. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  536. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  537. --
  538. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  539. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  540. -- or implied warranty.
  541. --
  542. --
  543. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  544. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  545. --
  547. with Text_IO, Ustrings;
  548. use Text_IO, Ustrings;
  550. package body Rooms is
  552. procedure Connect(Source : access Room; Dir : in Direction;
  553. Destination : access Thing'Class;
  554. Bidirectional : in Boolean := True) is
  555. begin
  556. Source.Destinations(Dir) := Thing_Access(Destination);
  557. if Bidirectional then -- Connect in reverse direction.
  558. Room_Access(Destination).Destinations(Reverse_Direction(Dir)) :=
  559. Thing_Access(Source);
  560. end if;
  561. end Connect;
  563. procedure Disconnect(Source : access Room; Dir : in Direction;
  564. Bidirectional : in Boolean := True) is
  565. begin
  566. if Bidirectional then
  567. -- If it's bidirectional, remove the other direction. The following "if"
  568. -- statement, if uncommented, checks to make sure that
  569. -- disconnecting a bidirectional link only happens to a Room.
  570. -- if (Source.Destinations(Dir).all'Tag in Room'Class) then
  571. Room_Access(Source.Destinations(Dir)).
  572. Destinations(Reverse_Direction(Dir)) := null;
  573. -- end if;
  574. end if;
  575. Source.Destinations(Dir) := null;
  576. end Disconnect;
  578. function What_Is(From : access Room; Dir : in Direction) return Thing_Access is
  579. begin
  580. return From.Destinations(Dir);
  581. end What_Is;
  583. procedure Put_View(T : access Room; Agent : access Thing'Class) is
  584. begin
  585. Put("You are ");
  586. Put(Long_Description(T));
  587. Put_Line(".");
  588. Put_Contents(T, Agent, "You see:");
  589. end Put_View;
  591. end Rooms;
  593. --
  594. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  595. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  596. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  597. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  598. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  599. --
  600. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  601. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  602. -- or implied warranty.
  603. --
  604. --
  605. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  606. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  607. --
  609. with Things, Directions;
  610. use Things, Directions;
  612. package Rooms is
  613. type Room is new Thing with private;
  614. type Room_Access is access all Room'Class;
  616. procedure Put_View(T : access Room; Agent : access Thing'Class);
  618. procedure Connect(Source : access Room; Dir : in Direction;
  619. Destination : access Thing'Class;
  620. Bidirectional : in Boolean := True);
  621. -- Create a connection from Source to Destination in Direction Dir.
  622. -- If it's bidirectional, create another connection the reverse way.
  624. procedure Disconnect(Source : access Room; Dir : in Direction;
  625. Bidirectional : in Boolean := True);
  626. -- Reverse of connect; disconnects an existing connection, if any.
  628. function What_Is(From : access Room; Dir : in Direction) return Thing_Access;
  629. -- Returns what is at direction "Dir" from "From".
  630. -- Returns null if nothing connected in that direction.
  632. private
  634. type Destination_Array is array(Direction) of Thing_Access;
  636. type Room is new Thing with
  637. record
  638. Destinations : Destination_Array;
  639. end record;
  641. end Rooms;
  643. --
  644. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  645. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  646. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  647. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  648. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  649. --
  650. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  651. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  652. -- or implied warranty.
  653. --
  655. -- Main routine to start up "Small", a small text adventure game to
  656. -- demonstrate Ada 95.
  658. --
  659. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  660. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  661. --
  663. -- For documentation see the following URL:
  664. -- http://www.adahome.com//Tutorials/Lovelace/small.htm
  666. with Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ustrings, World;
  667. use Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ustrings;
  669. with Parser;
  671. procedure Small is
  672. Command : Unbounded_String; -- Contains user's current command.
  673. Quit : Boolean := False;
  674. begin
  675. Put_Line("Welcome to a Small World!");
  677. World.Setup;
  679. while not Quit loop
  680. New_Line;
  681. Put_Line("Your Command?");
  682. Get_Line(Command);
  683. Parser.Execute(Command, Quit);
  684. end loop;
  686. Put_Line("Bye!");
  687. end Small;
  689. --
  690. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  691. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  692. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  693. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  694. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  695. --
  696. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  697. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  698. -- or implied warranty.
  699. --
  700. --
  701. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  702. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  703. --
  705. with Text_IO, Ustrings;
  706. use Text_IO, Ustrings;
  709. package body Things is
  711. -- Define basic types for the world and their operations.
  714. -- Supporting Subprograms:
  716. procedure Sorry(Prohibited_Operation : String;
  717. Prohibited_Direct_Object : Unbounded_String) is
  718. begin
  719. Put_Line("Sorry, you may not " & Prohibited_Operation & " the " &
  720. S(Prohibited_Direct_Object));
  721. end Sorry;
  724. -- Routines to manipulate First_Containee, Next_Sibling, Container:
  726. function Previous_Sibling(Containee : access Thing'Class)
  727. return Thing_Access is
  728. -- Find the previous sibling of containee. It's an error to call
  729. -- this if Containee has no previous sibling.
  730. Current : Thing_Access := Containee.Container.First_Containee;
  731. begin
  732. while Current.Next_Sibling /= Thing_Access(Containee) loop
  733. Current := Current.Next_Sibling;
  734. end loop;
  735. return Current;
  736. end Previous_Sibling;
  738. function Last_Containee(Container : access Thing'Class)
  739. return Thing_Access is
  740. -- Return an access value of the last contained Thing in container.
  741. -- It's an error to call this routine if there are no containees.
  742. Current : Thing_Access := Container.First_Containee;
  743. begin
  744. while Current.Next_Sibling /= null loop
  745. Current := Current.Next_Sibling;
  746. end loop;
  747. return Current;
  748. end Last_Containee;
  750. procedure Remove(Containee : access Thing'Class) is
  751. -- Remove Containee from its current Container.
  752. Previous_Thing : Thing_Access;
  753. begin
  754. if Containee.Container /= null then
  755. if Containee.Container.First_Containee = Thing_Access(Containee) then
  756. -- Containee is the first Thing in its container.
  757. Containee.Container.First_Containee := Containee.Next_Sibling;
  758. else
  759. Previous_Thing := Previous_Sibling(Containee);
  760. Previous_Thing.Next_Sibling := Containee.Next_Sibling;
  761. end if;
  762. Containee.Next_Sibling := null;
  763. Containee.Container := null;
  764. end if;
  765. end Remove;
  768. procedure Place(T : access Thing'Class; Into : Thing_Access) is
  769. -- Place "T" inside "Into".
  770. Last : Thing_Access;
  771. begin
  772. if (Thing_Access(T) = Into) then
  773. Put_Line("Sorry, that can't be done.");
  774. return;
  775. end if;
  776. Remove(T); -- Remove Thing from where it is now.
  777. if Into /= null then
  778. if Into.First_Containee = null then
  779. Into.First_Containee := Thing_Access(T);
  780. else
  781. Last := Last_Containee(Into);
  782. Last.all.Next_Sibling := Thing_Access(T);
  783. end if;
  784. end if;
  785. T.Container := Into;
  786. end Place;
  788. procedure Put_Contents(T : access Thing'Class;
  789. Ignore : access Thing'Class;
  790. Heading_With_Contents : in String;
  791. Heading_Without_Contents : in String := "") is
  792. -- Put a description of the contents of T.
  793. -- If there is something, print Heading_With_Contents;
  794. -- If there isn't something, print Heading_Without_Contents.
  795. -- Ignore The_Player, since presumably the player already knows about
  796. -- him/herself.
  797. Current : Thing_Access := T.First_Containee;
  798. Have_Put_Something : Boolean := False;
  799. begin
  800. while Current /= null loop
  801. if Current /= Thing_Access(Ignore) then
  802. -- This what we're to ignore, print it out.
  803. if Have_Put_Something then
  804. Put(", ");
  805. else
  806. -- We're about to print the first item; print the heading.
  807. Put_Line(Heading_With_Contents);
  808. end if;
  809. Put(Short_Description(Current));
  810. Have_Put_Something := True;
  811. end if;
  812. Current := Current.Next_Sibling;
  813. end loop;
  814. if Have_Put_Something then
  815. Put_Line(".");
  816. elsif Heading_With_Contents'Length > 0 then
  817. Put_Line(Heading_Without_Contents);
  818. end if;
  819. end Put_Contents;
  822. -- Dispatching Operations:
  824. function What_Is(From : access Thing; Dir : in Direction)
  825. return Thing_Access is
  826. begin
  827. return null; -- As a default, you can't go ANY direction from "here".
  828. end What_Is;
  831. -- Non-dispatching public operations:
  833. procedure Set_Name(T : access Thing'Class; Article : in Article_Type;
  834. Name : in Unbounded_String) is
  835. begin
  836. T.Article := Article;
  837. T.Name := Name;
  838. end Set_Name;
  840. procedure Set_Name(T : access Thing'Class; Article : in Article_Type;
  841. Name : in String) is
  842. begin
  843. T.Article := Article;
  844. T.Name := To_Unbounded_String(Name);
  845. end Set_Name;
  847. function Name(T : access Thing'Class) return Unbounded_String is
  848. begin
  849. return T.Name;
  850. end Name;
  852. procedure Set_Description(T : access Thing'Class;
  853. Description : in Unbounded_String) is
  854. begin
  855. T.Description := Description;
  856. end Set_Description;
  858. procedure Set_Description(T : access Thing'Class;
  859. Description : in String) is
  860. begin
  861. T.Description := To_Unbounded_String(Description);
  862. end Set_Description;
  864. function Long_Description(T : access Thing'Class) return Unbounded_String is
  865. begin
  866. return T.Description;
  867. end Long_Description;
  870. -- Eventually we'll use an array for the article, but a minor GNAT 2.7.0 bug
  871. -- will cause this to raise a Segmentation Fault when the program quits:
  872. -- Article_Text : constant array(Article_Type) of Unbounded_String :=
  873. -- (A => U("a "), An => U("an "), The => U("the "), Some => U("some "),
  874. -- None => U(""));
  876. function Short_Description(T : access Thing'Class) return Unbounded_String is
  877. begin
  878. case T.Article is
  879. when A => return "a " & T.Name;
  880. when An => return "an " & T.Name;
  881. when The => return "the " & T.Name;
  882. when Some => return "some " & T.Name;
  883. when None => return T.Name;
  884. end case;
  885. -- Should become return Article_Text(T.Article) & T.Name;
  886. end Short_Description;
  888. function Find(Agent : access Thing'Class;
  889. Object_Name : in Unbounded_String) return Thing_Access is
  890. begin
  891. if Agent.Container = null then
  892. Put_Line("You aren't in anything.");
  893. return null;
  894. else
  895. return Find_Inside(Agent.Container, Object_Name);
  896. end if;
  897. end Find;
  899. function Find_Inside(Agent : access Thing'Class;
  900. Object_Name : in Unbounded_String)
  901. return Thing_Access is
  902. Current : Thing_Access := Agent.First_Containee;
  903. begin
  904. if Empty(Object_Name) then
  905. Put_Line("Sorry, you need to name an object.");
  906. return null;
  907. end if;
  908. while Current /= null loop
  909. if Current.Name = Object_Name then
  910. return Current;
  911. end if;
  912. Current := Current.Next_Sibling;
  913. end loop;
  914. Put("Sorry, I don't see a ");
  915. Put_Line(Object_Name);
  916. return null;
  917. end Find_Inside;
  919. function Container(T : access Thing'Class) return Thing_Access is
  920. begin
  921. return T.Container;
  922. end Container;
  924. function Has_Contents(T : access Thing'Class) return Boolean is
  925. begin
  926. if T.First_Containee = null then
  927. return False;
  928. else
  929. return True;
  930. end if;
  931. end Has_Contents;
  933. end Things;
  935. --
  936. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  937. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  938. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  939. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  940. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  941. --
  942. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  943. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  944. -- or implied warranty.
  945. --
  946. --
  947. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  948. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  949. --
  951. with Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ada.Finalization, Directions;
  952. use Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ada.Finalization, Directions;
  954. package Things is
  956. -- "Thing" is the root class for all things in this small world.
  957. -- Rooms, Players, Items, and Monsters are derived from Thing.
  960. type Thing is abstract new Limited_Controlled with private;
  961. type Thing_Access is access all Thing'Class;
  963. type Article_Type is (A, An, The, Some, None);
  965. -- Public Dispatching operations.
  967. procedure Put_View(T : access Thing; Agent : access Thing'Class) is abstract;
  968. -- Put what Agents sees inside T.
  970. function What_Is(From : access Thing; Dir : in Direction) return Thing_Access;
  971. -- Returns what is at direction "Dir" from "From".
  972. -- Returns null if nothing connected in that direction.
  974. -- Public non-Dispatching operations:
  976. procedure Set_Name(T : access Thing'Class; Article : in Article_Type;
  977. Name : in Unbounded_String);
  978. procedure Set_Name(T : access Thing'Class; Article : in Article_Type;
  979. Name : in String);
  980. function Name(T : access Thing'Class) return Unbounded_String;
  981. pragma Inline(Name);
  983. function Short_Description(T : access Thing'Class) return Unbounded_String;
  984. -- Returns Article + Name, i.e. "the box", "a car", "some horses".
  986. procedure Set_Description(T : access Thing'Class;
  987. Description : in Unbounded_String);
  988. procedure Set_Description(T : access Thing'Class;
  989. Description : in String);
  990. function Long_Description(T : access Thing'Class) return Unbounded_String;
  992. procedure Place(T : access Thing'Class; Into : Thing_Access);
  993. -- Place T inside "Into" (removing it from wherever it was).
  994. -- Attempting to place T into itself will print an error message
  995. -- and fail.
  996. -- The second parameter is Thing_Access, not Thing'Class, because
  997. -- "null" is a valid value for "Into".
  998. function Container(T : access Thing'Class) return Thing_Access;
  999. -- Return access value to the container of T.
  1000. function Has_Contents(T : access Thing'Class) return Boolean;
  1001. -- Does T have anything in it?
  1003. function Find(Agent : access Thing'Class;
  1004. Object_Name : in Unbounded_String) return Thing_Access;
  1005. -- Find the given Object_Name in the same container as the agent.
  1006. -- Prints and error message and returns null if not found.
  1008. function Find_Inside(Agent : access Thing'Class;
  1009. Object_Name : in Unbounded_String)
  1010. return Thing_Access;
  1011. -- Find the given Object_Name inside the agent.
  1012. -- Prints and error message and returns null if not found.
  1014. procedure Put_Contents(T : access Thing'Class;
  1015. Ignore : access Thing'Class;
  1016. Heading_With_Contents : in String;
  1017. Heading_Without_Contents : in String := "");
  1018. -- Put a description of the contents of T.
  1019. -- Act as though "Ignore" isn't there.
  1020. -- If there is something, print Heading_With_Contents;
  1021. -- If there isn't something, print Heading_Without_Contents.
  1023. procedure Sorry(Prohibited_Operation : String;
  1024. Prohibited_Direct_Object : Unbounded_String);
  1025. -- Put "Sorry, you may not XXX the YYY".
  1028. private
  1030. type Thing is abstract new Limited_Controlled with
  1031. record
  1032. Name, Description : Unbounded_String;
  1033. Article : Article_Type := A;
  1034. Container : Thing_Access; -- what Thing contains me?
  1035. Next_Sibling : Thing_Access; -- next Thing in my container.
  1036. First_Containee : Thing_Access; -- first Thing inside me.
  1037. end record;
  1039. end Things;
  1041. --
  1042. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  1043. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  1044. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  1045. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  1046. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  1047. --
  1048. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  1049. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  1050. -- or implied warranty.
  1051. --
  1052. --
  1053. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  1054. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  1055. --
  1057. package body Ustrings is
  1059. Input_Line_Buffer_Length : constant := 1024;
  1060. -- If an input line is longer, Get_Line will recurse to read in the line.
  1063. procedure Swap(Left, Right : in out Unbounded_String) is
  1064. -- Implement Swap. This is the portable but slow approach.
  1065. Temporary : Unbounded_String;
  1066. begin
  1067. Temporary := Left;
  1068. Left := Right;
  1069. Right := Temporary;
  1070. end Swap;
  1072. function Empty(S : Unbounded_String) return Boolean is
  1073. -- returns True if Length(S)=0.
  1074. begin
  1075. return (Length(S) = 0);
  1076. end Empty;
  1079. -- Implement Unbounded_String I/O by calling Text_IO String routines.
  1082. -- Get_Line gets a line of text, limited only by the maximum number of
  1083. -- characters in an Unbounded_String. It reads characters into a buffer
  1084. -- and if that isn't enough, recurses to read the rest.
  1086. procedure Get_Line (File : in File_Type; Item : out Unbounded_String) is
  1088. function More_Input return Unbounded_String is
  1089. Input : String (1 .. Input_Line_Buffer_Length);
  1090. Last : Natural;
  1091. begin
  1092. Get_Line (File, Input, Last);
  1093. if Last < Input'Last then
  1094. return To_Unbounded_String (Input(1..Last));
  1095. else
  1096. return To_Unbounded_String (Input(1..Last)) & More_Input;
  1097. end if;
  1098. end More_Input;
  1100. begin
  1101. Item := More_Input;
  1102. end Get_Line;
  1105. procedure Get_Line(Item : out Unbounded_String) is
  1106. begin
  1107. Get_Line(Current_Input, Item);
  1108. end Get_Line;
  1110. procedure Put(File : in File_Type; Item : in Unbounded_String) is
  1111. begin
  1112. Put(File, To_String(Item));
  1113. end Put;
  1115. procedure Put(Item : in Unbounded_String) is
  1116. begin
  1117. Put(Current_Output, To_String(Item));
  1118. end Put;
  1120. procedure Put_Line(File : in File_Type; Item : in Unbounded_String) is
  1121. begin
  1122. Put(File, Item);
  1123. New_Line(File);
  1124. end Put_Line;
  1126. procedure Put_Line(Item : in Unbounded_String) is
  1127. begin
  1128. Put(Current_Output, Item);
  1129. New_Line;
  1130. end Put_Line;
  1132. end Ustrings;
  1134. --
  1135. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  1136. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  1137. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  1138. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  1139. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  1140. --
  1141. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  1142. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  1143. -- or implied warranty.
  1144. --
  1145. --
  1146. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  1147. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  1148. --
  1150. with Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
  1151. use Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
  1153. package Ustrings is
  1155. -- This package provides a simpler way to work with type
  1156. -- Unbounded_String, since this type will be used very often.
  1157. -- Most users will want to ALSO with "Ada.Strings.Unbounded".
  1158. -- Ideally this would be a child package of "Ada.Strings.Unbounded".
  1159. --
  1161. -- This package provides the following simplifications:
  1162. -- + Shortens the type name from "Unbounded_String" to "Ustring".
  1163. -- + Creates shorter function names for To_Unbounded_String, i.e.
  1164. -- To_Ustring(U) and U(S). "U" is not a very readable name, but
  1165. -- it's such a common operation that a short name seems appropriate
  1166. -- (this function is needed every time a String constant is used).
  1167. -- It also creates S(U) as the reverse of U(S).
  1168. -- + Adds other subprograms, currently just "Swap".
  1169. -- + Other packages can use this package to provide other simplifications.
  1171. subtype Ustring is Unbounded_String;
  1173. function To_Ustring(Source : String) return Unbounded_String
  1174. renames To_Unbounded_String;
  1175. function U(Source : String) return Unbounded_String
  1176. renames To_Unbounded_String;
  1177. function S(Source : Unbounded_String) return String
  1178. renames To_String;
  1180. -- "Swap" is important for reuse in some other packages, so we'll define it.
  1182. procedure Swap(Left, Right : in out Unbounded_String);
  1185. function Empty(S : Unbounded_String) return Boolean;
  1186. -- returns True if Length(S)=0.
  1187. pragma Inline(Empty);
  1190. -- I/O Routines.
  1191. procedure Get_Line(File : in File_Type; Item : out Unbounded_String);
  1192. procedure Get_Line(Item : out Unbounded_String);
  1194. procedure Put(File : in File_Type; Item : in Unbounded_String);
  1195. procedure Put(Item : in Unbounded_String);
  1197. procedure Put_Line(File : in File_Type; Item : in Unbounded_String);
  1198. procedure Put_Line(Item : in Unbounded_String);
  1200. end Ustrings;
  1202. --
  1203. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  1204. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  1205. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  1206. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  1207. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  1208. --
  1209. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  1210. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  1211. -- or implied warranty.
  1212. --
  1213. --
  1214. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  1215. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  1216. --
  1218. with Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ustrings;
  1219. use Text_IO, Ada.Strings.Unbounded, Ustrings;
  1221. with Things, Players, Items, Rooms, Directions;
  1222. use Things, Players, Items, Rooms, Directions;
  1224. package body World is
  1226. The_Player : Player_Access; -- This is the object representing the
  1227. -- current player.
  1230. procedure Setup is
  1231. Starting_Room : Room_Access := new Room;
  1232. Box : Item_Access := new Item;
  1233. Knife : Item_Access := new Item;
  1234. Living_Room : Room_Access := new Room;
  1235. begin
  1236. Set_Name(Starting_Room, The, "Hallway");
  1237. Set_Description(Starting_Room, "in the hallway. There is a living room " &
  1238. "to the west");
  1240. Set_Name(Box, A, "box");
  1241. Set_Description(Box, "a red box");
  1242. Place(T => Box, Into => Thing_Access(Starting_Room));
  1244. Set_Name(Knife, A, "knife");
  1245. Set_Description(Box, "a black knife");
  1246. Place(T => Knife, Into => Thing_Access(Starting_Room));
  1248. Set_Name(Living_Room, The, "Living Room");
  1249. Set_Description(Living_Room, "in the living room. " &
  1250. "A hallway is to your east");
  1251. Connect(Starting_Room, West, Living_Room);
  1253. -- Setup player.
  1254. The_Player := new Player;
  1255. Set_Name(The_Player, None, "Fred");
  1256. Set_Description(The_Player, Name(The_Player));
  1257. Place(T => Me, Into => Thing_Access(Starting_Room));
  1258. Look(Me);
  1260. end Setup;
  1263. function Me return Occupant_Access is
  1264. -- Return access value to current player.
  1265. begin
  1266. return Occupant_Access(The_Player);
  1267. end Me;
  1269. end World;
  1271. --
  1272. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  1273. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  1274. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  1275. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  1276. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  1277. --
  1278. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  1279. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  1280. -- or implied warranty.
  1281. --
  1282. --
  1283. -- Copyright (C) 1996 Ada Resource Association (ARA), Columbus, Ohio.
  1284. -- Author: David A. Wheeler
  1285. --
  1287. with Occupants;
  1288. use Occupants;
  1290. package World is
  1292. procedure Setup;
  1293. -- Setup the World; initialize the contents of the world.
  1296. function Me return Occupant_Access;
  1297. -- Return an access variable pointing to the current player.
  1299. end World;
  1301. --
  1302. -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
  1303. -- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
  1304. -- provided that the above copyright and authorship notice appear in all
  1305. -- copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice
  1306. -- appear in supporting documentation.
  1307. --
  1308. -- The ARA makes no representations about the suitability of this software
  1309. -- for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  1310. -- or implied warranty.
  1311. --

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